Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Flowers in my Garden

Well hello everyone we decided to take up housekeeping on the flower we wish we had more but
this is the newest flower in the garden,so we will go with one this week.
See you all real soon
aka the

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


This is a 10 min table runner,but it took longer..
If you had several cut and ready to go then maybe it will
take 10 mins.

LSQ has a club called Party with Patrick for some
quick little projects to make.  I added the worns
not part of the pattern.

Just a littel zipper bag to put all your goodie in to take
to class.

Flowers in my Garden

Well I just past inspection to be planted in the garden.

This the bee said is not quite ready, need more tlc.
More water please.

we are waiting on the side line to be planted.
That it for this, so stop by again to see which new
flower will get the ok to be planted.

Flowers in my Garden

This flower the bee just said that  it is ready for the garden

These will soon be  ready for planted in the garden.

These will  also, but not quite ready to be planted.
The bee are very angery!
Well thats it for this week be sure  to stop back for 
more flowers.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My flower garden is starting to grow

These are the flowers that I add to my garden,the one on the right some of the stitches came out so will need to restitch,but they have been planted. 
so that all for this go around

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Shirts for my sisters

The top picture is five shirts with the name of my stister who will be coming up in October we are planing to taking  Chicago. they will never know what hit the town.  here is a close up of two of the shirts one is my real sister and the other is for a friend that will be coming also, there will be five of us, not sure how the right man will be with all of us women in the house, Oh well  he will.

that it for this go around 

Happy quilting

One Flower Wednesday

The one for this week is more of the old fabric this one is larges the last week. Tonight I saw what one of the ladies was doing with hers, what a great idea.  I hope she has posted it on her blog she always come up with something different every week

One Flower Wednesday

This is last week flower this is some of the old fabric that I had for a while and try to use up.